Nonlinear Optimization
In this work, we deal with Truncated Newton methods for solving large scale (possibly nonconvex) unconstrained optimization problems. In particular,we consider the use of amodified Bunch and Kaufman factorization for solving the Newton equation, at each (outer) iteration of the method. The Bunch...
An implicit filtering algorithm for derivative-free multiobjective optimization with box constraintsThis paper is concerned with the definition of new derivative-free methods for box constrained multiobjective optimization. The method that we propose is a non-trivial extension of the well-known implicit filtering algorithm to the multiobjective case. Global convergence results are stated under...
Alternating direction methods of multipliers (ADMMs) are popular approaches to handle large scale semidefinite programs that gained attention during the past decade. In this paper, we focus on solving doubly nonnegative programs (DNN), which are semidefinite programs where the elements of the...
Two parallelized hybrid methods are presented for single-function optimization problems with side constraints. The optimization problems are difficult not only due to possible existence of local minima and nonsmoothness of functions, but also due to the fact that objective function and constraint...
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are systems allowing people to interact with the environment bypassing the natural neuromuscular and hormonal outputs of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). These interfaces record a user’s brain activity and translate it into control commands for external devices...