Pubblicazioni di Amerini Irene


Leporoni G., Maiano L., Papa L., Amerini I.
Papa L., Russo P., Amerini I., Zhou L.
A Survey on Efficient Vision Transformers: Algorithms, Techniques, and Performance Benchmarking. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE 2024: 1-20

Mongelli L., Maiano L., Amerini I.
CMDD: A novel multimodal two-stream CNN deepfakes detector. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Reducing Online Misinformation through Credible Information Retrieval co-located with the 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024) 2024: 17-30

Asha S., Vinod P., Amerini I., Menon V. G.
Papa Lorenzo, Russo Paolo, Amerini Irene
D4D: An RGBD diffusion model to boost monocular depth estimation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY 2024: 1-14

TAIBA MAJID TAIBA MAJID, Qadri Syed Asif Ahmad, Comminiello Danilo, Amerini Irene
Detecting audio deepfakes: integrating CNN and BiLSTM with multi-feature concatenation. IH&MMSec '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security 2024: 271-276

Maiano L., Benova A., Papa L., Stockner M., Marchetti M., Convertino G., Mazzoni G., Amerini I.
Tonti C. M., Papa L., Amerini I.
Schiavella C., Cirillo L., Papa L., Russo P., Amerini I.
Optimize Vision Transformer Architecture via Efficient Attention Modules: A Study on the Monocular Depth Estimation Task. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2024: 383-394


Maiano Luca, Montuschi Antonio, Caserio Marta, Ferri Egon, Kieffer Federico, Germanò Chiara, Baiocco Lorenzo, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, Amerini Irene, Anagnostopoulos Aristidis
A deep-learning–based antifraud system for car-insurance claims. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2023: 120644-

Bonaventura Tania Sari, Maiano Luca, Papa Lorenzo, Amerini Irene
An Automated Ground-to-Aerial Viewpoint Localization for Content Verification. 24th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Rhodes (Rodos), Greece, 2023 2023: -5

Imran M., Qureshi H. K., Amerini I.
BHAC-MRI: Backdoor and Hybrid Attacks on MRI Brain Tumor Classification Using CNN. Foresti, G.L., Fusiello, A., Hancock, E. (eds) Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2023. ICIAP 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14234. Springer, Cham. 2023: 332-344

Wani T. M., Amerini I.
Deepfakes Audio Detection Leveraging Audio Spectrogram and Convolutional Neural Networks. Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2023: 22nd International Conference, ICIAP 2023, Udine, Italy, September 11–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part II 2023: 156-167

Abbate Giovanbattista, Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto
Image Watermarking Backdoor Attacks in CNN-Based Classification Tasks. Rousseau, JJ., Kapralos, B. (eds) Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges. 2023: -16

Stockner Mara, Marchetti Michela, Papa Lorenzo, Maiano Luca, Convertino Gianmarco, Amerini Irene

Papa Lorenzo, PROIETTI MATTIA Gabriele, Russo Paolo, Amerini Irene, Beraldi Roberto
Amerini Irene, Rocha Anderson, Rosin Paul L., Sun Xianfang
Papa Lorenzo, Russo Paolo, Amerini Irene
METER: a mobile vision transformer architecture for monocular depth estimation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY 2023: 1-1

Papa Lorenzo, Faiella Lorenzo, Corvitto Luca, Maiano Luca, Amerini Irene
On the use of Stable Diffusion for creating realistic faces: from generation to detection. 11th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) 2023: -6

Zaramella Matteo, Amerini Irene, Russo Paolo
Why Don't You Speak?: A Smartphone Application to Engage Museum Visitors Through Deepfakes Creation. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on analySis, Understanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents (SUMAC '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA 2023: 29-37


Alati Edoardo, Caracciolo Carlo Alberto, Costa Marco, Sanzari Marta, Russo Paolo, Amerini Irene
Maiano Luca, Papa Lorenzo, Vocaj Ketbjano, Amerini Irene
DepthFake: a depth-based strategy for detecting Deepfake videos. ICPR 2022 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia Forensics and Disinformation Detection 2022: -

Baldini Gianmarco, Amerini Irene
Microphone Identification based on Spectral Entropy with Convolutional Neural Network. 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2022: 1-6

Amerini I., Conti M., Giacomazzi P., Pajola L.
PRaNA: PRNU-based Technique to Tell Real and Deepfake Videos Apart. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2022: 1-7

Papa Lorenzo, Russo Paolo, Amerini Irene
Papa Lorenzo, Alati Edoardo, Russo Paolo, Amerini Irene


Amerini I., Anagnostopoulos A., Maiano L., ricciardi Celsi L.
Deep learning for multimedia forensics. FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VISION 2021: 309-457

Maiano L., Amerini I., Ricciardi Celsi L., Anagnostopoulos A.
Amerini I., Baldini G., Leotta F.
Image and video forensics. JOURNAL OF IMAGING 2021: -

Cabal-Yepez E., Ledesma-Carrillo L. M., Botella G., Amerini I.
Baldini G., Ramos J. L. H., Amerini I.
Amerini I., Anagnostopoulos A., Maiano L., Ricciardi Celsi Lorenzo
Learning double-compression video fingerprints left from social-media platforms. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2021: 2530-2534

Pasquini C., Amerini I., Boato G.
Media forensics on social media platforms: a survey. EURASIP JOURNAL ON MULTIMEDIA AND INFORMATION SECURITY 2021: -

Caldelli R., Galteri L., Amerini I., Del Bimbo A.


Baldini G., Amerini I.
Amerini I., Caldelli R.
Exploiting Prediction Error Inconsistencies through LSTM-based Classifiers to Detect Deepfake Videos. IH and MMSec 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security 2020: 97-102


AMERINI IRENE, Galteri Leonardo, Caldelli Roberto, Del Bimbo Alberto
Deepfake Video Detection through Optical Flow Based CNN. 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW) 2019: 1205-1207

Baldini Gianmarco, Amerini Irene, Gentile Claudio
Amerini I., Li C. -T., Caldelli R.
Caldelli R., Chaumont M., Li C. -T., Amerini I.
Special issue on Deep Learning in Image and Video Forensics. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION 2019: 199-200

Phan Q. -T., Boato G., Caldelli R., Amerini I.
Tracking Multiple Image Sharing on Social Networks. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings 2019: 8266-8270

AMERINI IRENE, Balashova Elena, Ebrahimi Sayna, Leonard Kathryn, Nagrani Arsha, Salvador Amaia
WiCV 2019: The Sixth Women In Computer Vision Workshop. 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2019: 469-471


Caldelli R, Amerini I, Li Ct
PRNU-based image classification of origin social network with CNN. Proceedings of the 26th European Signal Processing Conference 2018: 1357-1361


Amerini I, Caldelli R, Del Mastio A, Di Fuccia A, Molinari C, Rizzo Ap
Dealing with video source identification in social networks. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION 2017: 1-7

Caldelli Roberto, Becarelli Rudy, Amerini Irene
Image Origin Classification Based on Social Network Provenance. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2017: 1299-1308

Amerini Irene, Uricchio Tiberio, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto
Localization of JPEG Double Compression Through Multi-domain Convolutional Neural Networks. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2017: 1865-1871

Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Brancati Francesco, Caldelli Roberto, Giunta Gabriele, Itria Massimiliano L.
Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Caldelli Roberto, Melani Alessio, Niccolai Moreno
Smartphone Fingerprinting Combining Features of On-Board Sensors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2017: 2457-2466

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