Pubblicazioni di Amerini Irene


Baldini G, Amerini I, Stery G, Caldelli R
Amerini Irene, Uricchio Tiberio, Caldelli Roberto
Tracing images back to their social network of origin: A CNN-based approach. 2017 IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2017: 1-6


Amerini I., Bestagini P., Bondi L., Caldelli R., Casini M., Tubaro S.
Robust smartphone fingerprint by mixing device sensors features for mobile strong authentication. Electronic Imaging, Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics 2016 2016: 1-8


Amerini I, Becarelli R, Caldelli R, Casini M
A feature-based forensic procedure for splicing forgeries detection. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2015: -

Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Bertini Bruno, Caldelli Roberto
Amerini I, Caldelli R, Del Bimbo A, Di Fuccia A, Rizzo A P, Saravo L
Caldelli R, Amerini I, Costanzo A
SIFT match removal and keypoint preservation through dominant orientation shift. 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2015: 2062-2066


Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, Crescenzi Pierluigi, DEL MASTIO Andrea, Marino Andrea
Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Andrea Di Fuccia, Luigi Saravo, Anna Paola Rizzo
Copy-move forgery detection from printed images. Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics 2014 2014: -

Amerini Irene, F. Battisti, Caldelli Roberto, M. Carli, A. Costanzo
Exploiting perceptual quality issues in countering SIFT-based Forensic methods. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014: 2664-2668

Andrea Costanzo, Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, Barni Mauro
Forensic Analysis of SIFT Keypoint Removal and Injection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2014: 1450-1464

Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, A. Di Fuccia, A. Rizzo, L. Saravo
Forgery detection from printed images: a tool in crime scene analysis. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Scientific Meeting 2014: 149-150

Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Caldelli Roberto, Andrea Del Mastio
Splicing Forgeries Localization through the Use of First Digit Features. 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2014: 143-148


Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Del Tongo Luca, Serra Giuseppe
Amerini Irene, Mauro Barni, Caldelli Roberto, Andrea Costanzo
Counter-forensics of SIFT-based copy-move detection by means of keypoint classification. EURASIP JOURNAL ON IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING 2013: 1-17

Amerini Irene, M. Barni, Caldelli Roberto, A. Costanzo
Removal and injection of keypoints for SIFT-based copy-move counter-forensics. EURASIP JOURNAL ON MULTIMEDIA AND INFORMATION SECURITY 2013: 1-12

Amerini Irene, Mauro Barni, Caldelli Roberto, Andrea Costanzo
SIFT keypoint removal and injection for countering matching-based image forensics. IH&MMSec '13 Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia security 2013: 123-130


Amerini I., Ballan L., Caldelli R., Del Bimbo A., Del Tongo L., Serra G.
An Effective Tool for Copy-Move Forgery Detection and Localization. 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2012: -

Caldelli Roberto, Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Serra Giuseppe, Barni Mauro, A. Costanzo
On the effectiveness of local warping against SIFT-based copy-move detection. 2012 5th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing 2012: 1-5


Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, Del Bimbo Alberto, Serra Giuseppe
A SIFT-based forensic method for copy-move attack detection and transformation recovery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2011: 1099-1110

Caldelli R., Amerini I., Novi A.
An analysis on attacker actions in fingerprint-copy attack in source camera identification. 2011 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS 2011 2011: 1-6

Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Luca Del Tongo, Serra Giuseppe
An image forensics tool for copy-move detection and localization. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) 2011: -


A DFT-Based Analysis to Discern Between Camera and Scanned Images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL CRIME AND FORENSICS 2010: 21-29

Amerini Irene, G. Ballocca, R. Borri, Caldelli Roberto, Filippini Francesco
Amerini I., Caldelli R., Cappellini V., Picchioni F., Piva A.
Estimate of PRNU noise based on different noise models for source camera identification. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL CRIME AND FORENSICS 2010: 21-33

Caldelli R., Amerini I., Picchioni F., Innocenti M.
Fast image clustering of unknown source images. 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS 2010 2010: 1-5

Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Serra Giuseppe
Geometric Tampering Estimation by Means of a SIFT-based Forensic Analysis. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2010: 1702-1705


Amerini I., Caldelli R., Cappellini V., Picchioni F., Piva A.
Analysis of Denoising Filters for Photo Response Non Uniformity Noise Extraction in Source Camera Identification. 2009 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing 2009: 1-7

Caldelli R., Amerini I., Picchioni F.
Distinguishing between camera and scanned images by means of frequency analysis. Forensics in Telecommunications, Information and Multimedia 2009: 95-101

Caldelli R., Amerini I., Picchioni F., De Rosa A., Uccheddu F.
Multimedia forensic techniques for acquisition device identification and digital image authentication. Handbook of Research on Computational Forensics, Digital Crime, and Investigation: Methods and Solutions 2009: 130-154

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