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Roberto Capobianco

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Ultime pubblicazioni

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Pin-Point Autonomous Lunar Landing: Trajectory Recalculation for Obstacle Avoidance in AII 2022: The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications 2023
Explainable AI in drug discovery: self-interpretable graph neural network for molecular property prediction using concept whitening in MACHINE LEARNING 2023
Grounding LTLf Specifications in Image Sequences in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 2023
Memory Replay For Continual Learning With Spiking Neural Networks in 2023 IEEE 33rd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) 2023
State of the Art of Visual Analytics for eXplainable Deep Learning in COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM 2023
Towards a fuller understanding of neurons with Clustered Compositional Explanations in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2023
Understanding Deep RL agent decisions: a novel interpretable approach with trainable prototypes in CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-3518 2023
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