She is responsible for the management of the CNR research infrastructure Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT), located in the North Adriatic Sea, including the thorough renovation program recently performed and she is appointed Office Manager for the Venice branch of the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR). She has contributed, as team member, to several studies related to inter-comparisons and cross-validation of wind and wave measured and modelled data, metrics development, timeseries and data analysis in environmental science and applications to climate change. In particular, she has taken part to the following projects and scientific research campaigns: a) FP7 Project "MyWave: A pan-European concerted and integrated approach to operational wave modelling and forecasting – a complement to GMES MyOcean services"; b) SARLUX Reconstruction of wave climate offshore Cagliari, with the aim of providing comprehensive statistics based on available in situ, satellite and model measurement data; c) Oceanographic campaign "CARPET, Characterizing Adriatic Region Preconditioing EvenTs" for the study of the phenomenon of dense water formation, relevant to the study of circulation in the Adriatic and Mediterranean basin; d) H2020 CEASELESS. Copernicus Evolution and Applications with Sentinel Enhancements and Land Effluents for Shores and Seas; e) Interreg CHANGE WE CARE Climate challenges on coastal and transitional changing areas: weaving a cross-Adriatic response; f) EUMETSAT-ESA Call for a Sentinel-6 Validation Team (S6VT) Project Validation of Sentinel 6 coastal sea level and wave height data in the Adriatic Sea (AdrLeWav); g) EUMETSAT Climatological Characterisation of Ocean Sites for OC-SVC project, dedicated to the development of the "European Copernicus infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration - EUropean RadiometrY Buoy and InfrAstructure (EURYBIA): Preliminary Design of the Copernicus Ocean Colour Vicarious Calibration Project: Infrastructure, Project Planning and Costing”; h) H2020 MAELSTROM “Smart technology for Marine Litter SusTainable RemOval and Management”. In particular she coordinates several contracts for the management of dedicated scientific campaigns on the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower, in the Northern Adriatic Sea.