The European Commission (EC) Digital Decade strategy to gain by 2030 autonomy in the digital economy
requires more and more data to be processed in the Cloud-Edge-IoT computing continuum, instead of
only in the central cloud. This requires advanced automation and intelligence of the continuum. At
the same time, recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) research have shown unprecedented
results in handling creative tasks. Such human-like intelligence will eventually disrupt how people use
the cloud and continuum. The European Union (EU) -funded project INTEND aims at bringing such
human-like intelligence into the cognitive continuum, to achieve the novel concept of intent-based data
operation. The project will deliver 11 novel software tools, which integrate into an INTEND toolbox.
The outputs pave the way of migrating EU’s data industry from cloud to the continuum, and implement
EC’s strategy of human-centric AI in the domain of data processing and computing continuum.
Dettaglio pubblicazione
2024, Proceedings of the Research Projects Exhibition Papers Presented at the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2024), Pages 43-50 (volume: 3692)
INTEND: Intent-Based Data Operation in the Computing Continuum (04b Atto di convegno in volume)
Firmani Donatella, Leotta Francesco, Mathew JERIN GEORGE, Rossi Jacopo, Balzotti Lorenzo, Song Hui, Roman Dumitru, Dautov Rustem, Johannes Husom Erik, Sen Sagar, Balionyte-Merle Vilija, Morichetta Andrea, Dustdar Schahram, Metsch Thijs, Frascolla Valerio, Khalid Ahmed, Landi Giada, Brenes Juan, Toma Ioan, Szabó Róbert, Schaefer Christian, Udroiu Cosmin, Ulisses Alexandre, Pietsch Verena, Akselsen Sigmund, Munch-Ellingsen Arne, Pavlova Irena, Kim Hong-Gee, Kim Changsoo, Allen Bob, Kim Sunwoo, Paulson Eberechukwu