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2024, New Perspectives in Science Education - 13th Edition, Pages 157-165

Active Learning for Circular Economy Businesses, Fostering a Sustainable Mindset (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Fontanella Sabrina, Attanasio Giovanna, Fraccascia Luca, Nonino Fabio, Battistella Cinzia

Despite extensive literature on corporate sustainability, understanding how companies become sustainable remains elusive. Similarly, the innovative processes that lead organizations to become “green” are not well understood. Industrial symbiosis (IS) offers a new model for sustainable development, involving the exchange of waste materials between companies. This study explores how IS can be taught to students to develop sustainable entrepreneurial skills, using a business game developed for the “Circular Sustainable Business Development” course at the University of Twente. The game allows students to negotiate simulated IS agreements, helping them understand the economic and environmental implications of their decisions. The study aims to investigate how the IS business game can enhance students’ entrepreneurial skills, including negotiation abilities, holistic vision, and forward-thinking capabilities. This is crucial as entrepreneurial education must adapt to a changing economic landscape, encouraging future entrepreneurs to think sustainably. The paper addresses the need for educational models that prepare entrepreneurs to not only apply existing principles but also to pose new questions and find innovative solutions. Students complete a questionnaire right after the game to assess their knowledge and proficiency in IS and entrepreneurial thinking. The business game is expected to significantly impact students’ understanding of IS and their entrepreneurial thinking skills. It’s anticipated that students will gain a deeper understanding of IS dynamics, develop sophisticated negotiation skills, and adopt a holistic view of entrepreneurial practices related to the circular economy. The study aims to highlight the transformative potential of experiential learning in shaping entrepreneurs equipped to navigate a sustainable business landscape. This research is a step towards understanding the role of innovative educational models in fostering a new generation of entrepreneurs who are prepared to tackle the challenges of a sustainable future.
ISBN: 979-12-80225-58-0
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma