The wave climatology of the Red Sea is described based on a 30-year hindcast generated using WAVEWATCH III configured on a 5-km resolution grid and forced by Red Sea reanalysis surface winds from the advanced Weather Research and Forecasting model. The wave simulations have been validated using buoy and altimeter data. The four main wind systems in the Red Sea characterize the corresponding wave climatology. The dominant ones are the two opposite wave systems with different genesis, propagating along the axis of the basin. The highest waves are generated at the centre of the Red Sea as a consequence of the strong seasonal winds blowing from the Tokar Gap on the African side. There is a general long-term trend toward lowering the values of the significant wave height over the whole basin, with a decreasing rate depending on the genesis of the individual systems.
Dettaglio pubblicazione
2017, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, Pages 4518-4528 (volume: 37)
The climatology of the Red Sea – part 2: the waves (01a Articolo in rivista)
Langodan Sabique, Cavaleri Luigi, Pomaro Angela, Vishwanadhapalli Yesubabu., Bertotti Luciana, Hoteit Ibrahim