The wind and wave climatology of the Red Sea is derived from a validated 30-yr high-resolution model simulation. After describing the relevant features of the basin, the main wind and wave systems are identified by using an innovative spectral partition technique to explain their genesis and characteristics. In the northern part of the sea, wind and waves of the same intensity are present throughout the year, while the central and southern zones are characterized by a marked seasonality. The partition technique allows the association of a general decrease in the energy of the different wave systems with a specific weather pattern. The most intense decrease is found in the northern storms, which are associated with meteorological pulses from the Mediterranean Sea.
Dettaglio pubblicazione
2018, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, Pages 1881-1895 (volume: 31)
Unraveling climatic wind and wave trends in the Red Sea using wave spectra partitioning (01a Articolo in rivista)
Langodan Sabique, Cavaleri Luigi, Pomaro Angela, Portilla Jesus, Abualnaja Yasser, Hoteit Ibrahim