Pubblicazioni di Salzo Saverio
Grazzi Riccardo, Pontil Massimiliano, Salzo Saverio
Bilevel Optimization with a Lower-level Contraction: Optimal Sample Complexity without Warm-Start. JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH 2023: 1-37
Traoré Cheik, Salzo Saverio, Villa Silvia
Convergence of an asynchronous block-coordinate forward-backward algorithm for convex composite optimization. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS 2023: -
Kostic ́ Vladimir R., Salzo Saverio, Pontil Massimiliano
Batch Greenkhorn Algorithm for Entropic-Regularized Multimarginal Optimal Transport: Linear Rate of Convergence and Iteration Complexity. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning 2022: -
Frecon Jordan, Gasso Gilles, Pontil Massimiliano, Salzo Saverio
Bregman Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning 2022: -
Salzo S, Villa S
Parallel random block-coordinate forward-backward algorithm: a unified convergence analysis. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING 2022: 225-269
Kostic Vr, Salzo S
The method of randomized Bregman projections for stochastic feasibility problems. NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS 2022: -
Grazzi R, Pontil M, Salzo S
Convergence Properties of Stochastic Hypergradients. 2021: 3826-3834
Salzo S., Villa S.
Parallel random block-coordinate forward–backward algorithm: a unified convergence analysis. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING 2021: 1-45
Salzo Saverio, Villa Silvia
Proximal Gradient Methods for Machine Learning and Imaging. Harmonic and Applied Analysis. From Radon Transforms to Machine Learning. 2021: 149-244
Frecon J, Salzo S, Pontil M
Salzo S, Suykens Jak
Generalized support vector regression: Duality and tensor-kernel representation. ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2020: 149-183
Grazzi R, Franceschi L, Pontil M, Salzo S
On the Iteration Complexity of Hypergradient Computation. 2020: 3748-3758
Luise G, Salzo S, Pontil M, Ciliberto C
Frecon J, Salzo S, Pontil M
Franceschi L, Frasconi P, Salzo S, Grazzi R, Pontil M
Combettes Patrick L., Salzo Saverio, Villa Silvia
Consistent learning by composite proximal thresholding. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING 2018: 99-127
Tomasi F, Tozzo V, Verri A, Salzo S
Forward-Backward Splitting for Time-Varying Graphical Models. International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models 2018: 475-486
Tomasi Federico, Salzo Saverio, Tozzo Veronica, Verri Alessandro
Latent variable time-varying network inference. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2018: 2338-2346
Combettes Pl, Salzo S, Villa S
Regularized learning schemes in feature Banach spaces. ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2018: 1-54
Salzo S, Suykens Jak, Rosasco L
Solving l(p)-norm regularization with tensor kernels. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2018: -