Pubblicazioni di Boresta Marco
Boresta Marco
Boresta Marco, Colombo Tommaso, De Santis Alberto, Lucidi Stefano
A mixed finite differences scheme for gradient approximation. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 2022: -
Cacciarelli Davide, Boresta Marco
What drives a donor? A machine learning‐based approach for predicting responses of nonprofit direct marketing campaigns. JOURNAL OF PHILANTHROPY AND MARKETING 2021: -
Seccia Ruggiero, Boresta Marco, Fusco Federico, Tronci Edoardo, Di Gemma Emanuele, Palagi Laura, Mangone Massimiliano, Agostini Francesco, Bernetti Andrea, Santilli Valter, Damiani Carlo, Goffredo Michela, Franceschini Marco
Data of patients undergoing rehabilitation programs. DATA IN BRIEF 2020: -
Avancini A., Pala V., Trestini I., Tregnago D., Mariani L., Sieri S., Krogh V., Boresta M., Milella M., Pilotto S., Lanza M.
Exercise levels and preferences in cancer patients: A cross-sectional study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020: 1-22