Pubblicazioni di Menghini Cristina
Menghini Cristina, Bertoldi Stefano, Nardini Alessandra, Palmas Carla
Proletarian and Outcast Material Culture in the Postmedieval Touscan Countryside. Commercial pottery networks at the long durèe site of San Galgano, San Gimignano and Villa Solaia (16th-19th c.). Europa Postmediaevalis 2022. Connections and Networking 2023: -
Menghini Cristina, Palmas Carla
Il refettorio e la cucina di San Galgano (Chiusdino-SI): analisi sui materiali della campagna di scavo 2021. IX Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale 2022: -
Menghini Cristina, Nardini Alessandra, Palmas Carla, Bertoldi Stefano
Nuove riflessioni su residualità, continuità d'uso, intrusione: il caso di Miranduolo. IX Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale 2022: -
Bohm M., Fazzone A., Leonardi S., Menghini C., Schwiegelshohn C.
Algorithms for fair k-clustering with multiple protected attributes. OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS 2021: 787-789
Menghini Cristina, Anagnostopoulos Aris, Upfal Eli
How Inclusive Are Wikipedia’s Hyperlinks in Articles Covering Polarizing Topics?. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2021) 2021: 1300-1307
Haddadan Shahrzad, Menghini Cristina, Riondato Matteo, Upfal Eli
RePBubLik: Reducing the Polarized Bubble Radius with Link Insertions. Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining 2021: -
Menghini Cristina, Nardini Alessandra, Palmas Carla, Bertoldi Stefano
Anagnostopoulos A., Becchetti L., Fazzone A., Menghini C., Schwiegelshohn C.
Spectral Relaxations and Fair Densest Subgraphs. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings 2020: 35-44
Menghini Cristina, Anagnostopoulos Aris, Upfal Eli
Wikipedia Polarization and Its Effects on Navigation Paths. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) 2019: 6154-6156
Menghini C., Zufferey J. D., West R.
Compiling questions into balanced quizzes about documents. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings 2018: 1519-1522