Pubblicazioni di Nastasi Alberto
Fraccascia L., Nastasi A.
Mobile apps against food waste: Are consumers willing to use them? A survey research on Italian consumers. RESOURCES, CONSERVATION & RECYCLING ADVANCES 2023: -
Avenali A., D'Alfonso T., Nastasi A., Reverberi P.
High-speed rail and air transport integration in hub-and-spoke networks: The role of airports. Market Development and Policy for One Belt One Road 2022: 171-195
Croella Anna Livia, Tronci Edoardo Maria, Petitti Federico, Nastasi Alberto, Palagi Laura, Romano Ferdinando
Fraccascia L., Spagnoli M., Riccini L., Nastasi A.
Designing the biomethane production chain from urban wastes at the regional level: An application to the Rome Metropolitan Area. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2021: -
Bracaglia V., D'Alfonso T., Nastasi A., Sheng D., Wan Y., Zhang A.
High-speed rail networks, capacity investments and social welfare. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART A, POLICY AND PRACTICE 2020: 308-323
Dangelico R. M., Fraccascia L., Nastasi A.
National culture's influence on environmental performance of countries: A study of direct and indirect effects. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2020: -
Fraccascia Luca, Taruffi Flaminia, Nastasi Alberto
Why companies do not implement industrial symbiosis?. Best practices on industrial symbiosis in Italy and the contribution of regional policies 2020: -
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Nastasi Alberto, Pisa Simone
A comparison of family and nonfamily small firms in their approach to green innovation: A study of Italian companies in the agri‐food industry. BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2019: 1434-1448
Bracaglia Valentina, D’Alfonso Tiziana, Nastasi Alberto, Sheng Dian, Wan Yulai, Zhang Anming
Impact of network configuration on high-speed rail development and adoption. XXII Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference 2018: -
Dangelico Rosa Maria, Nastasi Alberto
Open innovation: un modello di collaborazione tra università e impresa. Rapporto 2017. Università, Ricerca, Crescita 2017: 347-355
Daraio Cinzia, Diana Marco, Di Costa Flavia, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto
Efficiency and effectiveness in the urban public transport sector: A critical review with directions for future research. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH 2016: 1-20
Avenali Alessandro, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
An incentive pricing mechanism for efficient airport slot allocation in Europe. JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT 2015: 27-36
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Daraio Cinzia, Nastasi Alberto
Competition and efficiency in the Italian airport system: New insights from a conditional nonparametric frontier analysis. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 2015: 20-38
Avenali Alessandro, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
A supervised market mechanism for efficient airport slot allocation. Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2014: 1-24
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Nastasi Alberto
Airport–Airline interaction: some food for thought. TRANSPORT REVIEWS 2014: 730-748
Bracaglia Valentina, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Nastasi Alberto
Competition between multiproduct airports. ECONOMICS OF TRANSPORTATION 2014: 270-281
Daraio Cinzia, Diana M., DI COSTA Flavia, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto
Efficiency and effectiveness in the public transport sector: a critical review with directions for future research.. Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2014: -
Avenali Alessandro, Leporelli Claudio, Matteucci Giorgio, Nastasi Alberto, Nonino Fabio, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Innovative procurement design for facility management services. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology 2014: 68-74
Bracaglia Valentina, D'Alfonso Tiziana, Nastasi Alberto
Multiproduct airport competition and e-commerce strategies. Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2014: 1-34
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Daraio Cinzia, Nastasi Alberto
On the Relationship between efficiency and Competition: Evidence from Italian Airports. INTERNATIONAL PROCEEDINGS OF ECONOMICS DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCHBusiness, Management and Governance III 2014: 82-100
Dangelico Rosa Maria, Daraio Cinzia, Nastasi Alberto
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Daraio Cinzia, Nastasi Alberto
Assessing the Impact of Competition on the Efficiency of Italian Airports. XVII Air Transport Research Society Annual Conference 2013: -
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Daraio Cinzia, Nastasi Alberto
Assessing the impact of competition on the efficiency of Italian airports. Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports 2013: 1-40
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Daraio Cinzia, Nastasi Alberto
Exploring the impact of competing factors on the efficiency of Italian airports: a conditional nonparametric analysis. XVII Aviation Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference 2013: -
Andrea Boitani, Guillaume Burghouwt, Kenneth Button, Sveinn Gudmundsson, Nastasi Alberto, Romano Pagliari, Stefano Paleari, Renato Redondi, Andrea Salanti
Nastasi Alberto
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Nastasi Alberto
Vertical relations in the air transport industry: A facility-rivalry game. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 2012: 993-1008
Buzzacchi L., Nastasi Alberto, Nonino Fabio
Luigi Buzzacchi, Nastasi Alberto, Mario Calderini, Catalano Giuseppe Pasquale Roberto, Paola Garrone, Leporelli Claudio, Emilio Paolucci, Andrea Rangone, Reverberi Pierfrancesco, Andrea Vinelli
Nastasi Alberto, D'Alfonso Tiziana
D'Alfonso Tiziana, Nastasi Alberto
Vertical relations in the aviation industry: a facility rivalry game. XIV Aviation Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference 2010: -
Nastasi Alberto, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Foreign Market Entry Strategies under Asymmetric Information. REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 2007: 758-781
Andrea Boitani, Guillaume Burghouwt, Ken Button, Sveinn Gudmundsson, Nastasi Alberto, Romano Pagliari, Stefano Paleari, Renato Redondi, Andrea Salanti
Luigi Buzzacchi, Paola Garrone, Alberto Heimler, Leporelli Claudio, Alfredo Macchiati, Simone Mori, Nastasi Alberto, Stefano Paleari, Pierluigi Parcu, Antonio Perrucci
Laise Domenico, Leporelli Claudio, Nastasi Alberto, Piccari Pier Luigi, Pomella Giovanni, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
Reverberi Pierfrancesco, Nastasi Alberto
Bassanini Anna, LA BELLA A, Nastasi Alberto
Allocation of Railroad Capacity under Competition: a Game Theoretic Approach to Track Time Pricing. Transportation and Network Analysis: Current Trends 2002: 1-17
Nastasi Alberto, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
A signalling game in international oligopolistic competition. Operations Research Proceedings 2000 2001: 146-153
Leporelli Claudio, Nastasi Alberto, Reverberi Pierfrancesco
L'accesso e lo sviluppo di nuove infrastrutture. L’Economia Digitale 2001: 249-262
Campisi D, Mancuso P, Nastasi Alberto
R&D Competition, Absorptive Capacity and Market Shares. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2001: 57-80
Bassanini Anna, Nastasi Alberto
Rail Network Management and Competition for Transport Service Provision. New Analytical Advances in Transportation and Spatial Dynamics 2001: 189-211
Bassanini Anna, Nastasi Alberto
Decentralized Rail Capacity Allocation: a Model and Applications. Operations Research Proceedings 1999 [Selected Papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (SOR '99), Magdeburg, September 1-3,1999] 2000: 425-430
Bassanini Anna, Nastasi Alberto
Competizione nei Servizi di Trasporto Ferroviario e Gestione della Rete Infrastrutturale. L'INDUSTRIA 1999: 357-377
Bassanini Anna, Nastasi Alberto
Pricing and Allocation of Rail Track Capacity. Operations Research Proceedings 1998 [Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research, Zuerich, August 31-September 3, 1998] 1999: 503-512
Bassanini Anna, Nastasi Alberto
Railroad Infrastructure Access and Competition among Transport Operators. Operations Research Proceedings 1997 [Selected Papers of the Symposium on Operations Research (SOR97), Jena, September 3-5, 1997] 1998: 521-526