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DOCMA - Disorders of Consciousness (DoC): enhancing the transfer of knowledge and professional skills on evidence-based interventions and validated technology for a better MAnagement of patients

data termine: 
December 2021
Istituzioni non UE
sito web: 
The overall goal of DoCMA is to enhance international research on Disorders of Consciousness (DoC) by strengthen the collaboration among project participants to leverage the shared scientific and expert know-how in the field. The partnerships, under the coordination of Dr. Enrique Noè (UNIDAD NEURO-RHB SOCIEDAD LIMITADA), will be instrumental in addressing, therefore, the following specific objectives:
  1. Consolidating of a joint international scientific and innovation programme for developing research projects on DoC diagnosis, evaluation and management of patients.
  2. Establishing a standardised methodology, common approach and data sharing resources to enable data access and research collaborations concerning DoC.
  3. Contributing to transfer of knowledge and quality of life of the individuals, by generating new services, technologies and/or products to respond to the society needs concerning DoC.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma