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2024, Proceedings of 2024 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Pages -

Deep Reinforcement Learning Control of Type-1 Diabetes with Cross-Patient Generalization (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Atanasious Mohab M. H., Becchetti Valentina, Baldisseri Federico, Menegatti Danilo, Wrona Andrea

Type 1 diabetes is one of the major concerns in current medical studies, as the World Health Organisation plans to reduce mortality due to such disease by one third by 2030. Standard clinical practice involves self-administered injections of insulin, while current research in the field of automatic control of blood glucose concentration mostly focuses on model-based control techniques. This work presents an application of a Deep Reinforcement Learning-based controller for autonomous treatment of type 1 diabetes, building on the Deep Determin-istic Policy Gradient algorithm. Such control framework is applied for the first time on the Python implementation of the UVA/Padova simulator, named Simglucose. The proposed methodology is validated through in-vitro simulations on an inter-cluster cross-generalization group of virtual adult patients, showing that normoglycemia is successfully preserved while assuring cross-patient generalization and outperforming clinical practice, without the direct knowledge of the amount of ingested carbohydrates.
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