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2024, 2024 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), Pages -

A Tool to Facilitate the Design of Smart Contracts in Smart Water Distribution Networks (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Amaxilatis Dimitrios, Cattai Tiziana, Garlisi Domenico, Pagano Antonino, Sarantakos Themistoklis, Taloma REDEMPTOR JR LACEDA, Vythoulka Varvara, Chatzigiannakis Ioannis, Zaroliagis Christos

The integration of smart contracts within water distribution networks presents a transformative approach to addressing challenges in water management. In this context, we propose a pioneering tool aimed at streamlining the design and implementation of smart contracts tailored specifically to smart water distribution networks. This tool allows stakeholders to input essential parameters such as water sources, distribution points, consumption patterns, and contractual stipulations. Through the utilization of predefined templates and adaptable contract logic, the tool automates critical processes including water allocation, usage monitoring, and penalty imposition based on predefined criteria. Furthermore, seamless integration with blockchain technology ensures the security and integrity of contract execution. By addressing scalability, compliance, and regulatory considerations, this tool represents a significant advancement in empowering stakeholders to optimize water management practices through the deployment of efficient and transparent smart contracts.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma