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2023, Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI), Pages 128-134

Prompt-to-OS (P2OS): Revolutionizing Operating Systems and Human-Computer Interaction with Integrated AI Generative Models (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Tolomei Gabriele, Campagnano Cesare, Silvestri Fabrizio, Trappolini Giovanni

In this ambitious paper, we present a groundbreaking paradigm for human-computer interaction that revolutionizes the traditional notion of an operating system. Within this innovative framework, user requests issued to the machine are handled by an interconnected ecosystem of generative AI models that seamlessly integrate with or even replace traditional software applications. At the core of this paradigm shift are large generative models, such as language and diffusion models, which serve as the central interface between users and computers. This pioneering approach leverages the abilities of advanced language models, empowering users to engage in natural language conversations with their computing devices. By capitalizing on the power of language models, users can articulate their intentions, tasks, and inquiries directly to the system, eliminating the need for explicit commands or complex navigation. The language model comprehends and interprets the user's prompts, generating and displaying contextual and meaningful responses that facilitate seamless and intuitive interactions. This paradigm shift not only streamlines user interactions but also opens up new possibilities for personalized experiences. Generative models can adapt to individual preferences, learning from user input and continuously improving their understanding and response generation. Furthermore, it enables enhanced accessibility, as users can interact with the system using speech or text, accommodating diverse communication preferences. However, this visionary concept also raises significant challenges, including privacy, security, trustability, and the ethical use of generative models. Robust safeguards must be in place to protect user data and prevent potential misuse or manipulation of the language model. While the full realization of this paradigm is still far from being achieved, this paper serves as a starting point for envisioning the transformative potential of a human-computer interaction paradigm centered around artificial intelligence. We discuss the envisioned benefits, challenges, and implications, paving the way for future research and development in this exciting and promising direction.
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