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2016, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Pages -

Reconstruction of F-Region Electric Current Densities from more than 2 Years of Swarm Satellite Magnetic data (04d Abstract in atti di convegno)

Tozzi Roberta, Pezzopane Michael, De Michelis Paola, Pignalberi Alessio, Siciliano Federico

The constellation geometry adopted by ESA for Swarm satellites has opened the way to new investigations based on magnetic data. An example is the curl-B technique that allows reconstructing F-region electric current density in terms of its radial, meridional, and zonal components based on data from two satellites of Swarm constellation (Swarm A and B) which fly at different altitudes. Here, we apply this technique to more than 2 years of Swarm magnetic vector data and investigate the average large scale behaviour of F-region current densities as a function of local time, season and different interplanetary conditions (different strength and direction of the three IMF components and/or geomagnetic activity levels).
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