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CryptoComparator: A Visual Analytics Environment for Cryptocurrencies Analysis (01a Articolo in rivista)

MANGANELLI CONFORTI Pietro, Emanuele Matteo, Nardelli Pietro, Santucci Giuseppe, Angelini Marco

Cryptocurrencies are a novel phenomenon in the finance world that is gaining more attention from the general public, banks, investors, and academic research lately. A characteristic of cryptocurrencies is to be the target of investments that, due to the volatility of most of the cryptocurrencies, tends to be at high risk and behave very differently from traditional currencies. A way of reducing this risk is to look at the history of existing cryptocurrencies and compare them to spot promising trends for increased gain. This paper introduces CryptoComparator, a Visual Analytics tool designed to analyze the correlations and trends of cryptocurrencies. The system exploits an initial proposal for a double elliptic graph layout, reconfigurable with three different ordering functions, to support a fast visual search of cryptocurrencies by correlation strength. Two use cases developed with a domain expert in cryptocurrency financial activities demonstrate qualitatively the support it provides for analyzing cryptocurrencies.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma