This paper sets out a key contribution by analysing the development of Project Management theory and knowledge. By mean of a research conducted on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Project Management Institute), authors employed tools and methods from Social Network Analysis to represent and analyse this standard of Project Management and its processes as a graph with nodes. Results of the research shed light on the evolutionary dynamics of Project Management, showing how through different years and (six) editions of the standard, relevant processes, Knowledge Areas, and best practices changed, reflecting different views that shaped the evolution of the field.
Dettaglio pubblicazione
2018, 25th International EurOMA Conference Proceedings, Pages -
The Evolution and Influence of Project Management Theory and Practices: A Process Network Analysis (04b Atto di convegno in volume)
Annarelli Alessandro, Battistella Cinzia, Nonino Fabio, Palombi Giulia
Gruppo di ricerca: Industrial Organization and Management