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Andrea Vitaletti

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Ultime pubblicazioni

FedArtML: A Tool to Facilitate the Generation of Non-IID Datasets in a Controlled Way to Support Federated Learning Research in IEEE ACCESS 2024
Application of federated learning techniques for arrhythmia classification using 12-lead ECG signals in Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing 2023
Blockchain for the supply chain of the Italian craft beer sector: tracking and discount coupons in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL, EMERGENT AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 2023
Building a Cross-Chain Identity: A Self-Sovereign Identity-Based Framework in Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures, DAPPS 2023 2023
On-chain global maintenance services: technical, legal and managerial implications in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL, EMERGENT AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS 2023
Preventing Content Cloning in NFT Collections in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2023
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