Pubblicazioni di Liberati Francesco
Macone Donato, Liberati Francesco, Simeoni Andrea, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Castrucci Marco, S. Panzieri, S. Iassinovski, M. Minichino, E. Ciancamerla
Detection of and Reaction to Cyber Attacks in a Critical Infrastructures Scenario: The Cockpit-CI Approach. International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2012) 2014: 39-44
Lanna Andrea, Liberati Francesco, Zuccaro Letterio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
Electric Vehicles Charging Control based on Future Internet Generic Enablers. Proc. of IEVC 2014 2014: ?-?
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia
Electric vehicles charging control in a smart grid: A model predictive control approach. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 2014: 147-162
Liberati Francesco, Mercurio Andrea, Zuccaro Letterio, A. Tortorelli, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
Electric vehicles charging load reprofiling. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2014: 728-733
Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio, Liberati Francesco
Energy balancing in multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks: An approach based on reinforcement learning. 2014 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems 2014: 262-269
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
G. Coppola, F. Caleno, T. Casacchia, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Mercurio Andrea, Liberati Francesco, Zuccaro Letterio
Operational interfaces for EV Smart Charging across extended e-mobility value chain. Proc. of CIRED Workshop 2014 2014: -
Zuccaro Letterio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia, Lanna Andrea, V. Fernandez Pallares, A. Mart nez Blanco, R. Urbano Escobar, J. Ratej, B. Mehle, U. Krisper
Smart Vehicle to Grid Interface Project: Electromobility Management System Architecture and Field Test Results. Proc. of IEVC 2014 2014: ?-?
P. Rodrigues, A. Oliveira, F. Alvarez, R. Cabas, Oddi Guido, Liberati Francesco, T. Vladimirova, X. Zhai, H. Jing, M. Crosnier
Martirano Luigi, Serena Fornari, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
C. Foglietta, S. Panzieri, D. Macone, Liberati Francesco, A. Simeoni
Detection and impact of cyber attacks in a critical infrastructures scenario: the CockpitCI approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013: 211-221
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia
IEC 61851 compliant electric vehicle charging control in smartgrids. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED13 2013: 1329-1335
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio
On-board stochastic control of electric vehicle recharging. 2013: 5710-5715
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Mercurio Andrea, Liberati Francesco
Regulation of angular speed and reactive power for a wind turbine applying robust feedback linearization and H∞ control. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED13 2013: 1316-1321
J. Monreal, P. Peral, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, A. Martinez, V. Fernandez
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
A Bayesian Network-Based Approach to the Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Analysis. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 2012: 510-519
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella, Francesco Liberati
A model predictive control approach to the load shifting problem in a household equipped with an energy storage unit. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1491-1498
Oddi Guido, Macone Donato, Pietrabissa Antonio, Liberati Francesco
A proactive link-failure resilient routing protocol for MANETs based on reinforcement learning. 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED) 2012: 1259-1264
Macone Donato, Liberati Francesco, Simeoni Andrea, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Castrucci Marco, Panzieri Stefano, Iassinovski Serguei, Minichino Michele, Ciancamerla Ester
Detection of and reaction to cyber attacks in a critical infrastructures scenario: The CockpitCI apporach. International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2012, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2012 2012: 39-44
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Francesco Liberati, Silvia Canale
Optimal electric vehicles to grid power control for active demand services in distribution grids. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1309-1315
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Francesco Liberati
Interdependency modeling and analysis of critical infrastructures based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks. 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED 2011) 2011: 791-797