From 3rd to 9th July 2022 the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG) of "Sapienza" University of Rome and the Department of...
Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines
From 3rd to 9th July 2022 the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG) of "Sapienza" University of Rome and the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO) of University of Florenze will organize a Summer School on Optimization, Big Data and Applications (OBA)
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Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are systems allowing people to interact with the environment bypassing the natural neuromuscular and hormonal outputs of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). These interfaces record a user’s brain activity and translate it into control commands for external devices...
Research in continuous optimization has been active at DIAG since its foundation. Early research was essentially devoted to the theory of exact penalization and to the development of algorithms for the solution of constrained nonlinear programming problems through unconstrained techniques....
We consider the convex quadratic linearly constrained problem with bounded variables and with huge and dense Hessian matrix that arises in many applications such as the training problem of bias support vector machines. We propose a decomposition algorithmic scheme suitable to parallel...