Pubblicazioni di Mecella Massimo


Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo
Adaptive Process Management in Cyber-Physical Domains. Advances in Intelligent Process-Aware Information Systems. Concepts, Methods, and Technologies 2017: 15-48

Mecella M.
Challenges in knowledge-intensive processes. Mining from semi-structured information and providing run-time automated adaptation. YSIP2 2017 Young Scientist's International Workshop on Trends in Information Processing 2017: 13-14

Porreca Simone, Leotta Francesco, Mecella Massimo, Catarci Tiziana
Chatbots as a novel access method for government open data. Proceedings of the 25th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems 2017: -

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Pernici Barbara, Plebani Pierluigi
Design-time Models for Resiliency. Conceptual Modeling Perspectives 2017: 105-120

Bordini Francesca, Terracina Annalisa, Cesareni Maria Donata, Mecella Massimo
Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian
Intelligent Process Adaptation in the SmartPM System. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY 2017: 1-43

Plebani Pierluigi, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Mizmizi Marouan, Pernici Barbara
Multi-Party Business Process Resilience By-Design: A Data-Centric Perspective. Advanced Information Systems Engineering 2017: 110-124

Leotta Francesco, Mecella Massimo, Sora Daniele, Spinelli Giovanni
Pipelining user trajectory analysis and visual process maps for habit mining. 2017 IEEE SmartWorld Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation, SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2017... 2017: 1-8

Collerton Thomas, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Catarci Tiziana
Route Recommendations to Business Travelers Exploiting Crowd-Sourced Data. Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems 2017: 3-17

Brafman Ronen I., De Giacomo Giuseppe, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian
Service composition in stochastic settings. AI*IA 2017 Advances in Artificial Intelligence 2017: 159-171

Mecella Massimo, Billi Eliana, Pizzoli Enrico, Berlangieri Maria Grazia, Gjanci Tedi
Sironi App: un progetto interdisciplinare per la valorizzazione del murale della Sapienza. Sironi svelato. Il restauro del murale della Sapienza 2017: 301-302

Armenia Stefano, FERREIRA FRANCO Eduardo, Mecella Massimo, Onori Riccardo
Smart Model-based Governance: from Big-Data to future Policy Making. Model-based Governance for Smart Organizational Future - BSLab-SYDIC International Workshop - Book of Abstract 2017: 44-53

Catarci Tiziana, Mecella Massimo, Kimani Stephen, Santucci Giuseppe
Visual Query Interfaces. The Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction Set 2017: 561-577


Hanteer Obaida, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Catarci Tiziana
A Petri-Net Based Approach to Measure the Learnability of Interactive Systems. Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. AVI 2016 2016: 312-313

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian
Cucari Giovanni, Leotta Francesco, Mecella Massimo, Vassos Stavros
Terracina Annalisa, Mecella Massimo, Berta Riccardo, Fabiani Francesco, Litardi Dario
Game@School. Teaching Through Gaming and Mobile-Based Tutoring Systems. Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment 2016: 34-44

Leotta Francesco, Mecella Massimo, Vassos Stavros
Ideas matchmaking for supporting innovators and entrepreneurs. DDI '16 Proceedings of the Workshop on Data-Driven Innovation on the Web 2016: 1-5

Caruso C., Dimitri A., Mecella M.
Sora Daniele, Mecella Massimo, Leotta Francesco, Querzoni Leonardo, Baldoni Roberto, Bracone Giuseppe, Buonanno Daniele, Caruso Mario, Cerocchi Adriano, Leva Mariano
Micro-accounting for optimizing and saving energy in smart buildings. Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops 2016: 143-154

Dimaggio M., Leotta F., Mecella M., Sora D.
Mining user habits in smart spaces through process mining techniques. Proceedings of the 24th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEBD 2016 2016: 342-349

Dimaggio Marcella, Leotta Francesco, Mecella Massimo, Sora Daniele
Process-Based Habit Mining: Experiments and Techniques. 2016 Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Cloud and Big Data Computing, Internet of People, and Smart World Congress (UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IoP/SmartWorld) 2016: 145-152

Thien N. D., Iocchi L., Terracina A., Mecella M.
Robotic teaching assistance for the "Tower of Hanoi" problem. Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 2016: 2797-2809

Schnelle Walka Dirk, Mühlhäuser Max, Limonad Lior, Grosse Puppendahl Tobias, Lanir Joel, Müller Florian, Mecella Massimo, Luyten Kris, Kuflik Tsvi, Brdiczka Oliver
Terracina Annalisa, Berta R., Bordini Francesca, Damilano R., Mecella Massimo
Teaching STEM through a role-playing serious game and intelligent pedagogical agents. 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2016: 148-152

Mengoni Maura, Peruzzini Margherita, Bordegoni Monica, Mecella Massimo
Toward an integrated platform to support contract furniture industry. COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS 2016: 662-674

Angelini Marco, Catarci Tiziana, Mecella Massimo, Santucci Giuseppe
Visual Analytics and Mining over Big Data. Discussing Some Issues and Challenges, and Presenting a Few Experiences. Advanced Visual Interfaces. Supporting Big Data Applications 2016: 104-114

Catarci Tiziana, Leotta Francesco, Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sora Daniele, Cottone Pietro, Lo Re Giuseppe, Morana Marco, Ortolani Marco, Agate Vincenzo, Meschino Giovanni Renato, Pecoraro Giovanni, Pergola Gabriele
Your Friends Mention It. What About Visiting It? A Mobile Social-Based Sightseeing Application. Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. AVI 2016 2016: 300-301


Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, Steinau Sebastian, Andrews Kevin, Reichert Manfred
A Survey on Handling Data in Business Process Models. 23rd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2015) 2015: 304-311

Leotta Francesco, Mecella Massimo, Mendling Jan
Applying Process Mining to Smart Spaces: Perspectives and Research Challenges. Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops 2015: 298-304

Schettini Francesca, A. Riccio, Simione Luca, G. Liberati, Caruso Mario, V. Frasca, B. Calabrese, Mecella Massimo, A. Pizzimenti, Inghilleri Maurizio, D. Mattia, Cincotti Febo
Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Halapuu Patris, Sardiña Sebastian
Automated Process Adaptation in Cyber-Physical Domains with the SmartPM System. 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2015) 2015: 59-64

Terracina Annalisa, Mecella Massimo
Building an emotional IPA through empirical design with high- school students. Proceedings of The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2015 2015: 506-515

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Russo Alessandro, Steinau Sebastian, Andrews Kevin, Reichert Manfred
Data in Business Process Models. A Preliminary Empirical Study. 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) 2015: 116-122

Lin Kwei-Jay, Mecella Massimo, Aiello Marco, Ludwig Heiko, Chao Kuo Ming, Stary Chris, Marrella Andrea
Message from Conference and Program Chairs. 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) 2015: x-xi

Marrella Andrea, Halapuu Patris, Mecella Massimo, Sardiña Sebastian
SmartPM: An Adaptive Process Management System for Executing Processes in Cyber-Physical Domains. Proceedings of the BPM Demo Session 2015 Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015) 2015: 115-119

Marrella Andrea, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian, Tucceri Paola
SmartPM: Automated Adaptation of Dynamic Processes. Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2014 Workshops 2015: 423-427

ter Hofstede Arthur, Mecella Massimo, Sardina Sebastian
Special Issue on: Knowledge-intensive Business Processes. JOURNAL ON DATA SEMANTICS 2015: 1-2

DI CICCIO Claudio, Mecella Massimo, Mendling Jan
The effect of noise on mined declarative constraints. Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis 2015: 1-24


Russo Alessandro, Mecella Massimo, Marco Montali, Patrizi Fabio
Towards a reference implementation for Data Centric Dynamic Systems. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Business Process Management Workshops 2014: 141-154

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