Logics for AI
We study privacy-preserving query answering in Description Logics (DLs). Specifically, we consider the approach of controlled query evaluation (CQE) based on the notion of instance indistinguishability. We derive data complexity results for query answering over DL-LiteR ontologies, through a...
In the context of the Description Logic DL-Liteℛ≠, i.e., DL-Liteℛ without UNA and with inequality axioms, we address the problem of adding to unions of conjunctive queries (UCQs) one of the simplest forms of negation, namely, inequality. It is well known that answering conjunctive queries with...
Marco Console è risultato vincitore della procedura selettiva per n.1 posto di ricercatore a tempo determinato – tipologia A ai sensi dell’art.24, comma 3, lett. b, legge 240/2010 – per il settore concorsuale 09/H1-settore scientifico disciplinare ING-INF/05 - bandita con D.D. n. 1332/2020 del...